It was finally my 21st birthday two weeks ago so I wanted to do a quick little haul of what I received. This can also provide for some gift ideas for that special girl or woman in your life!
All-Star Converse, High Tops:
I’ve wanted these babies for so long because they look good with everything. These shoes are definitely a classic that hasn't gone out of style and can be worn to dress an outfit down. I actually even wore them at my
graduation in my cap and gown!
Lustrum and Megastar from NuMe: There was a really great deal going on for both the Lustrum curler and the Megastar straighter. While overall the curler and straight iron were expensive, the Lustrum is basically five different curlers which would each cost more than $50 individually at a beauty store, so it really is cost effective overall. Both of these tools heat up quickly and the heat stays consistent so I only have to curl my hair for a short amount of time and have the perfect curl or straight hair, which helps limit the heat damage to my hair.
Lustrum and Megastar from NuMe: There was a really great deal going on for both the Lustrum curler and the Megastar straighter. While overall the curler and straight iron were expensive, the Lustrum is basically five different curlers which would each cost more than $50 individually at a beauty store, so it really is cost effective overall. Both of these tools heat up quickly and the heat stays consistent so I only have to curl my hair for a short amount of time and have the perfect curl or straight hair, which helps limit the heat damage to my hair.

Sony Alpha NEX-F3 Camera: I was only using my Canon 40D to take all my pictures and while it resulted in quality pictures it was such a pain to carry around everywhere. So I received a Sony Alpha NEX-F3 for my birthday. This was hard for me to grasp at first because I love looking through a lens finder and shooting in manual but this camera develops great quality pictures and has the option of shooting in manual.
Eye-Fi SD Card: Along with my new camera, I received an Eye-Fi SD card. This SD card is quite magical because it sends any picture taken on the camera with the SD card in it straight to my phone or computer. I used to have to take a picture of something with both my camera and my phone to Instagram or post it to Twitter but now the picture just sends directly it to my phone!
Ulta: For birthdays, Ulta gives away full sizes of Calvin Klien "One" Mascara! While the retail price is normally $18, for beauty reward members it's free. Part of the cap twists to either provide more volume or more length. It looks very innovative and I'm very excited to try it. For a gift, you could get an Ulta gift card and register it for beauty rewards before giving it to the recipient.
Sephora: Sephora also gives out a free birthday gift to Beauty Insiders; this year it is a deluxe sample of a lipstick and mascara from Make Up For Ever. which are pretty great. I also cashed in my first 100 points ever for Too Faced’s Chocolate Soleil and it has great payoff and smells amazing!! For a gift, you could get a Sephora gift card and register it for beauty rewards before giving it to the recipient.
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